Construction Wars is an old-fashioned retro arcade game, based on the earliest video games like Space Invaders and Pong and whatever. It has a simple three-button control scheme and very weird, choppy gameplay, but in a way that adds a bit of reflex-building into it. In this game, your goal is to drop bombs to blow up boxes and monsters to get a high score. 

To be fairly honest I wasn't too picky on working on Construction Wars' polishing parts. I mostly made it to refresh myself, to just make something after a large hiatus of nothingness. It helped a little, and that counts!

Construction Wars was also originally intended to become part of a game pack called QBmachine, which would cost about a dollar. However, it never ended up getting the ideas and support it needed to finish, so it never did. Now it is stuck being labelled as something that doesn't even exist. Oops.